EDPB 503 Mind Map

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EDPB 503 Mind Map by Mind Map: EDPB 503 Mind Map

1. Key Developmental Theorists an Introduction

1.1. Piaget believed humans learn and develop a system of thinking by organizing, classifying and manipulating information so they can make sense of it/equilibrium/balance.

1.1.1. Children learn in the following way: they become comfortable with an understanding, then something suprises them or challenges them and they become uncomfortable, they look for an explanation, they find one that fits their theory and then they find out something that changes their theory.

1.2. Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development:

1.3. Behaviourist Theory - Punishment decreases or suppreses behaviour and Reinforcement increases a behaviour.

1.4. Bandura's Social Learning

1.5. Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development

2. Language 3 Types of communicating: Expressive, Receptive, non-verbal

2.1. Non-verbal language

2.1.1. Interpret meaning from others, empathy, humor, eye contact, language use, gestrues, proximity, adaptation to novel situations, perspective taking, interpreting facial expression

3. Resiliency Approach

3.1. Theory grounded in over 30 year of rigorous experimental research

3.2. Predictors of behaviours

3.2.1. The 2 R's of Prevention (Risk and Resilience) Risk Factors: characteristics and or circumstances that occur more often for those who develop problem behaviours, experience lack of personal success or develop mental health issues Resilience factors: personal and environmental factors that promote health and well being, positive behaviour and personal success. Three categores of protective/resilience factors 1. individual characteristics (self esteem, IQ, social/communication skills. 2). Bonding (family, peers, community, relationships) 3). Healthy beliefs and clear standards (attitude/beliefs)

3.3. Proscial Behaviour.

3.3.1. Judgments about rightness and wrongness of certain acts Voluntary behaviour intended to benefit others, positive evaluation of human beings and caring about their welfare Kohlberg and moral reasoning Model 3 stages

4. Learning can be uncomfortable

4.1. being stretched - sometimes one needs to feel uncomfortable or experience 'tension' to come to new understandings

4.1.1. Knowledge is quired in active, personal and self directed ways - Students need choices for optimal learning to take place.

5. Connect Learning to meaningful experiences

6. Learning is a collaborative process between the students and the students and the teacher - both ways.

6.1. Teachers and students negotiate the curriculum together

6.2. When students have to explain their learning or understanding to another person it deepens their understanding

7. Different roles the teacher might take.

8. Periods of Development

8.1. Pre-natal - conception to birth

8.2. Infancy-birth to 2 years

8.3. Early Childhood - 2-6 years

8.4. Middle Childhood-6-11 years

8.5. Adolescence - 11-20+ years

9. 3 Domains

9.1. Physical

9.2. Cognitive

9.3. Emotional/Social