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Weekly Review par Mind Map: Weekly Review

1. From

1.1. Sami Honkonen

1.2. @shonkone


2. 2. Remember The Milk

2.1. Inbox

2.2. Projects

2.3. Waiting For

2.4. Inbox

3. 1. Email

3.1. Inbox Zero

4. 3. Calendar

4.1. Overview of upcoming month

4.2. Does something need preparation?

5. 4. Retrospective (1 pomodoro)

5.1. What happened during the week?

5.2. What went well?

5.3. What needs to be improved?

5.4. Three adjectives that describe the past week

5.5. How did I advance my goals?

5.5.1. Are the goals up to date?

5.6. On top of my normal work assignments, what did I do for my employer?

5.7. What will I do better next week? (one thing)