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Science by Mind Map: Science

1. digestive system:

1.1. the parts of the didestive systems are:

1.1.1. salivary glans,oesophagus,liver,stomach,large intestine,pancreas,small intestine,rectum and anus. the process of the digestive system is: the food mixtes with the sliva and goes to the oesophagus.Later it goes to the stomach with the gastric juices.An then it goes to the small intestine.Then the waste matter is expelled through the anus

2. respiratory system

2.1. In our body the cells also need oxygen to combine with nutrients to produce energy.

2.1.1. the parts of the respiratory system are: trachea,alveolus,bronchus,bronchiole and the diaphagm

3. circulatory sytem

3.1. The circulatory system delivers blood to the bodies tissues through a heart rate.

3.1.1. The parts of the circulatory are: Blood,plasma,red blood cells,white blood cells,platelets,blood vessels,arteries,oxygen,veins,carbon dioxide,capillaries and heart.

4. excretory sysytem

4.1. how do the urinare sysytem

4.1.1. the parts of the excretory are: renal arteries,kidneys,ureter,bladder,urethra.