CI Success Options

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CI Success Options by Mind Map: CI Success Options

1. Premium: All behind paywall

1.1. hard to market content thru social media

1.2. hard to add new listeners

1.3. Could make money & justify time

1.4. Examples:

1.4.1. ?

2. Free: Nothing behind paywall

2.1. Easy to market

2.2. Easy to grow listenership

2.3. Hard to make money and justify time

2.4. Examples:

2.4.1. A4F

2.4.2. CI

3. Freemium: Some free, some pay

3.1. Easy to market

3.2. Easy to grow listenership

3.3. In the middle on money to start, but could grow big?

3.4. Lots of options:

3.4.1. Patreon

3.4.2. Subscription Plugins

3.5. Examples:

3.5.1. Oatley Academy - Backstage Pass

3.5.2. Accidental Creative

4. Media Types

4.1. Audio

4.1.1. Podcasts

4.2. Video

4.2.1. Hangouts

4.2.2. Podcasts

4.3. Written

4.3.1. Blog Articles

4.3.2. PDFs/eBooks

4.4. Courses

4.4.1. Live Classes

4.4.2. Online courses & tuts

5. Topics

5.1. Running a Business

5.2. Lifestyle Design

5.3. Legal

5.4. Financial

5.5. Personal Growth

5.6. Marketing

6. Content Types

6.1. Reviews

6.1.1. Websites

6.1.2. Books

6.1.3. Courses

6.1.4. Software/Hardware/Tools

6.2. Interviews

6.2.1. financial

6.2.2. creators

6.2.3. agents

6.2.4. lawyers

6.2.5. other related professionals

6.2.6. marketers

6.2.7. growth professionals business personal

6.3. Tuts

6.3.1. Social Media LinkedIn Twitter? Facebook Instagram Pinterest AboutMe

6.3.2. Website/portfolio

6.4. Dancing

6.4.1. just seeing if you're paying attention