Achim Rögener
by Dan Taylor

1. Design Dreaming
2. Legend
2.1. Nodes are drag and drop, place them anywhere you like
2.2. Use the + and - icons to expand/collapse nodes
2.3. Hover over the circle with lines to read attached notes
2.4. The forward pointing arrow indicates a link associated with the node
3. Today
3.1. Today
3.1.1. Mass production
3.1.2. Mass marketing
3.1.3. low value - long value chain
3.1.4. cheap
3.1.5. Short lifecycle
3.1.6. high revenue
3.1.7. global cooperations
3.2. The alternate way
3.2.1. Customization
3.2.2. p2p marketing
3.2.3. long lifecycle
3.2.4. good value - high price
3.2.5. personal service
4. Start Dreaming
4.1. working as an advocate for the consumer
4.2. Bumble Bee/Bateria
4.2.1. A wing harness Parkour wing
4.3. termite mound
4.4. sea cow
4.4.1. oil spill collector
4.5. forrest
4.5.1. Windmills give design an added meaning Wind on top Wave collectors underwater
4.5.2. Turning the windmill sideways
4.5.3. Solar collection in the desert
5. Buy Consciously
5.1. Customer
5.2. Designer
5.3. Industry
6. Design Dreaming
6.1. Before you dream
6.1.1. You recap the day
6.2. First industrialized products
6.2.1. All looked the same
6.2.2. People liked it
6.2.3. Outcome = bauhaus
6.2.4. Brand substitutes
6.3. Pre industrialized
6.3.1. You would know those that made items