world soccer

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world soccer by Mind Map: world soccer

1. Roma

1.1. roma's away shirt

1.2. italy capital not best but tough team to beat

2. Liverpool fc

2.1. torres

2.2. F. torres

2.3. liverpool's away shirt

3. professional teams

3.1. Real madrid cf

3.1.1. real madrid away shirt

3.1.2. richest sport team in the world

3.2. milan

3.2.1. milan's away shirt

3.2.2. italy's best soccer team

3.3. manchester united

3.3.1. manchester united away shirt

3.3.2. richest team in england

4. soccer competitions

4.1. champions league

4.1.1. champions league logo

4.1.2. cup for best 32 european teams

4.2. world cup

4.2.1. nations compete for a gold cup to win

4.2.2. world cup

4.3. la liga

4.3.1. league in spain

5. amazing players

5.1. ronaldo

5.2. L. messi

5.2.1. current best player in world

5.3. xavi

5.4. mascherano

6. stadiums

6.1. santiago bernabeu


6.3. benfica stadium

6.4. south africa's best stadium