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The Components of the system unit создатель Mind Map: The Components of the system unit

1. Expansion slots and adapter cards

1.1. flash memory cards

1.2. USB flash drives

1.3. PC cards

1.4. Expresscard modules

2. Data representation memory

2.1. bytes and addressable memory

2.2. memory sizes

2.3. types of memory

2.4. RAM

2.5. cache

2.6. ROM

2.7. New Flash memory

2.8. CMOS

2.9. memory acces times

3. Bays

4. Putting it all together

4.1. New node

5. Companies on the cutting edge

5.1. AMD

5.2. Intel

6. The system unit

6.1. The motherboard

7. Processor

7.1. the control unit

7.2. the arithmetic logic unit

7.3. machine cyber

7.4. registers

7.5. the system clock

7.6. dual-core and multi-core processors

7.7. comparison of personal

7.7.1. computer processors

7.8. buying a personal computer

7.9. heat sinks, heat pipes,and liquid

7.9.1. cooling

7.10. parallel processing

8. Ports and connectors

8.1. serial ports

8.2. parallel ports

8.3. USB ports

8.4. firewire ports

8.5. spacial-purpose ports

9. Buses

9.1. expansion bus

10. Power supply

11. Mobile computer and devices

12. Keep clean your computer clean