Galileo Galilei

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Galileo Galilei by Mind Map: Galileo Galilei

1. Galileo Galilei

1.1. Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer & instrument maker. He was born on 15th February 1564 & he died on 8th January 1642 - He lived for 78 years.

1.1.1. Text book p. 55-60

1.1.2. Joseph Conrad "Heart of Darkness"

2. Conclusion

2.1. Galileo Galilei was a very important person who discovered lots of stuff like Astronomy & Physics.

2.1.1. Midterm

3. Astronomy

3.1. Some people believe Galileo was the first person to build a telescope. This is not true, but he was the first person to publish observations of objects in space through a telescope.

3.1.1. Text book, exercises 34, 35, 36, 37

3.2. Findings

3.2.1. Discovered that the Milky Way is made of many stars.

3.2.2. Found four moons around Jupiter. Those moons are now called the Galilean Moons.

3.2.3. He discovered Sunspots.

3.2.4. He saw that Venus has light & dark phases like the Moon.

3.2.5. Discovered the moon has hills.