Multiple Generations

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Multiple Generations by Mind Map: Multiple Generations

1. Assigned Groups

1.1. 5 Groups of 6 Students

1.2. 1st Group: Korean War Vets 2nd Group: 'Young Adults' of 1960s 3rd Group: Vietnam War Vets 4th Group: 'Young Adults' of 1970s 5th Group: Young supporters/protestors of Ronald Reagan

1.3. Take a stance on either supporting or opposing Ronald Reagan and itmust be supported by sources.

2. Documents

2.1. Primary Sources & Secondary Sources

2.1.1. Project specifications

2.1.2. End User requirements

2.1.3. Action points sign-off

2.2. Primary Source: Presidential Speeches

2.2.1. Define actions as necessary

2.3. Secondary Source: Classroom Textbooks

2.4. Instruction Handout:

3. Closure

3.1. Teacher asks note-taking students

3.1.1. Materials

3.1.2. Personel

3.1.3. Services

3.1.4. Duration

3.2. Delivery Timeline

3.3. Requirements

4. Non-Participating Students

4.1. Take notes on the Conversation

4.1.1. Dependencies

4.1.2. Milestones

4.2. Notes are highlights or significant portion of conversations.

4.2.1. Schedule

4.2.2. Budget

5. Café Conversation

5.1. 1 member from each group participates in the Café Discussion.

5.2. 5 members from different Generation Groups converse on the topics of Ronald Reagan (Vocabulary words of his term).

5.3. Lasts about 7-10 minutes, every member has to participate.