Online Tools for Time Management

Outline for Final Project

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Online Tools for Time Management by Mind Map: Online Tools for Time Management

1. Universal Applications, accessible from many platforms

1.1. Evernote

1.2. Remember The Milk

1.3. Google Calendar

1.4. Evernote combined with Remember the Milk and Google Calendar can be an extremely useful tool. Not only can you be organized, but time management is incorporated too.

2. Popular Applications, used by many people

2.1. Useful in determining which applications work the best. Also useful in determining the shelf life of the applications, as many developers won't continue to make improvements or upkeep servers after they stop making profits.

3. Free Applications, for those who cannot or will not pay for tools

3.1. College students aren't always able to pay for resources they may need. Having free applications is a boon to anybody pinching pennies.

4. Thesis

4.1. It is a fact that every student has different learning and organizational styles and preferences, many tools are available to assist them. The student needs to find the ones that suit them best. 

5. Synopsis

5.1. It is quite reasonable to assume that most applications that will be used and accessed by students and online learners today will be freeware. Simply because it's hard to justify spending money on a product when there's a comparable one that doesn't cost a thing. Also, most technologically savvy students will gravitate towards the more popular programs simply because they know the application will have longer support and has been proven and modified to be more user friendly and intuitive.