Family Members

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Family Members by Mind Map: Family Members

1. Nuclear Family

1.1. Husband (Father)

1.2. Wife (Mother)

1.3. Children

2. Basic family or blood family

2.1. Great-Grandfather

2.2. Great-Grandmother

2.3. Grandmother

2.4. Grandfather

2.5. Mother

2.6. Father

2.7. Aunt

2.8. Uncle

2.9. Niece

2.10. Nephew

2.11. Sister brother

2.12. Cousin

2.13. Daughter son

2.14. Granddaughter grandson

3. Family separated parents

4. The parent families

4.1. A parent

4.2. and children

5. Single parent family

5.1. Mother

5.2. and children

6. Extended Family

6.1. Mother-in-law

6.2. Father-in-law

6.3. Sister-in-law

6.4. Brother-in-law

6.5. Son-in-law

6.6. Stepmother

6.7. Stepfather

6.8. Stepdaughter

6.9. Stepson