The Internet and World Wide Web

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The Internet and World Wide Web por Mind Map: The Internet and World Wide Web

1. The World Wide Web

1.1. Web browser

1.1.1. Firefox

1.1.2. Opera

1.1.3. internet explorer

1.1.4. Safari

1.1.5. Google Chrome

1.2. Two types of search tools

1.2.1. Search engine

1.2.2. Subject directory

1.3. A search engine is helpful in locating items

1.3.1. Images

1.3.2. videos

1.3.3. audios

1.3.4. News

1.3.5. Maps

1.3.6. People or Businesses

1.3.7. Blogs

2. Multimedia

2.1. Graphic

2.2. Animation

2.3. Audio

2.4. Video

2.5. virtual

3. Evolution of the Internet

3.1. Internet via highspeed broadband internet service

3.1.1. Cable Internet service

3.1.2. DSL

3.1.3. Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)

3.1.4. New nodeFixed wireless

3.1.5. Cellular Radio NetworkWi‐

3.1.6. Wi‐Fi

3.1.7. Satellite Internet Service

3.2. access provider

3.2.1. ISP(Internetserviceprovider)

3.2.2. nationwideOnline service provider (OSP)

3.2.3. Wireless Internet service provider (WISP)

4. Web sites

4.1. Portal

4.2. News

4.3. Informational

4.4. Business/Marketing

4.5. Blog

4.6. Wiki

4.7. Online Social Network

4.8. Educational

4.9. Entertainment

4.10. Advocacy

4.11. Web Application

4.12. Content Aggregator

4.13. Personal