teenage drinking

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teenage drinking por Mind Map: teenage drinking

1. Chemana Ramsey

2. Ethnicity

2.1. Some groups within the media are represented negatively. For example there are channels which will be dedicated to specific minority ethnic groups. Some channels will involve ethnic minority groups and how they reflect the lived experience and culture of minority ethnic groups . These are generally appreciated by their target audience

2.2. Moore et al.(2005) looked at 5 stereotypes which were commonly used to poetry black people in the media . As a criminal. Blacks often used to represent criminals , whites not seen in this way a threat-tabloid scares about immigrants and asylum seekers taking jobs and using the welfare state .Abnormal- seen as odd e.g. arranged marriages unimportant-priority given to the reporting issues affecting white people . Dependent-' Coup-war-famine-starvation syndrome with little discussion of their exploitation by western countries

2.3. Dijk(1991) found evidence of unconscious racism when looking at ethnic minority groups. Lack of reference to quotes from minority ethnic sources resulted in biased reporting that only showed a white perspective on news story

3. Age

3.1. Osgerby(2002) studied shifts in media representation of youth and youth culture. it showed wider cultural developments. The media were once seen representing youth positively in the 1950s-80s, however this changed within the 170s-80s where dark images of teen violence were more apparent and how there was a growing concern about growing lawlessness and social break down.

3.2. Youth culture constantly seen as a problem within the media. young people seen as being deviant and moving away from society's norms and values and being seen as a threat. Dominant images of young people showed binge drinking, drug taking,knife crime and other violent incidents.

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5. Gender

5.1. 1960s,70s and 80s. Men and women potrayed differently in the media. Women being seen in roles such as housewives , mothers, sex objects.

5.2. Men seen taking what is seen as the more dominant roles with a more strong, dominant character

5.3. viewers including young people watch advertisements and are exposed to traditional stereotypes and also contemporary roles for men and women in society.

5.4. Gauntlett(2008) shift from the 1990s onwards away from what were seen as traditional gender roles, through the use of media . Looking at primetime television he found that gender roles seemed to be more increasingly equal and non-stereotyped(2008) e.g. the sitcom friends. all characters are equal but acquired different roles, which appeared to be more modern than traditional roles

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