Tasks and services

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Tasks and services by Mind Map: Tasks and services

1. Chat

1.1. Jabber

1.1.1. Google Adamant1988 Adamposey

1.1.2. Google Apps Adamant1988

1.2. AIM

1.3. MSN

1.4. iChat

1.5. Yahoo

1.6. Myspace

2. Calendar

2.1. Backpack

2.2. Google Calendar

3. blog

3.1. Web2-oh

3.2. Adamant1988

4. social networking

4.1. Facebook

4.2. Myspace

4.3. Twitter

4.4. Friendfeed

4.5. Brightkite

4.6. Flickr

5. Email

5.1. Gmail

5.1.1. adamposey

5.1.2. adamant1988

5.2. Google Apps

5.2.1. Adamant1988

5.2.2. Web2-OH

5.3. .Mac

5.4. Yahoo

6. Note taking

6.1. Google Docs

6.2. Writeboard

7. News

7.1. Social|median

7.2. Google Reader

7.3. Readburner

7.4. Techmeme

7.5. FriendFeed

8. Productivity

8.1. Backpack

8.2. IwantSandy

8.3. RTM

8.4. Basecamp

8.5. Tadalist

9. Photo sharing

9.1. Flickr

9.2. .Mac

10. Video Sharing

10.1. YouTube

10.2. Vimeo

10.3. Viddler

11. Money

11.1. Mint

11.2. Wesabe