Families and Preparing for Standardized Tests

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Families and Preparing for Standardized Tests by Mind Map: Families and Preparing for Standardized Tests

1. Before the Test

1.1. Be Prepared

1.1.1. How can you and your child prepare for this test? Practice tests, similar exercises?

1.2. Practice areas that are difficult for your child

1.3. Practice test questions

1.4. Talk with child's teacher about any concerns that your or your child has

2. On the day of the Test

2.1. Good nights sleep

2.1.1. 8-10 hours

2.2. Make sure your child has the proper test materials

2.2.1. Pencil, eraser, paper, calculator

2.3. Stay calm and remain positive

3. After the Test

3.1. Review the results with your child

3.2. Talk to Teacher about any concerns you have

3.3. Review any parts of the test that your student struggled with

4. On a Daily Basis

4.1. Ensure your child has good attendance

4.2. Communicate with your child's teacher

4.3. Help your child develop good study habits

4.4. Encourage your child to increase their vocabulary