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Family by Mind Map: Family

1. Basic family - Great - Grand mother - Great - Grand father - Grand Mother - Grand Father - Mother - Father - Uncle - Aunt - Niece - Nephew - Sister -Brother - Cousin

2. Names of affection - Grandma - Grandpa - Mom/mum - Dad/daddy

3. Another way to named - Twins - Firstborn - Adopted - Orphan - Relative - Only child - Ancestors - Decendants

4. Extended family - Husban - Wife - Mother-in-law - Father-in-law - Brother-in-law - Sister-in-law - Daughter-in-law - Son-in-law - Stepfather - Stepmother - Godfather - Godmother -Godson

5. Generic names - Great-Grand parents - Grandparents - Parents - Siblings - Children