1. Technology
1.1. laptop computers
1.1.1. audio-visual equipment classroom computer stations
2. Reading
2.1. Narrative
2.1.1. Create individual student blog to coincide with novel study Find and read author blog sites Write a blog journal portraying a young boy or girl living during the Revolutionary War. Tell who you are and if you're a Loyalist or a Patriot. Explain how this war has affected your life and family.
2.2. Persuasive
2.2.1. Research on the Web various election candidates during election season on Persuasive techniques Create a video info-mmercial with table groups on a new product that your group has created to help learn a new technical skill in technology
2.3. Expository
2.3.1. Research and find various Graphic Organizer template sites to aide in Expository text. Choose and research a topic about the Colonial period. Use various research materials including internet searches. Write a research paper on the topic and include all sources used including at least 3 Web sources.
2.4. Technical
2.4.1. Create a Classroom Web-site
2.4.2. Create a fictitious product that helps students learn a new technical skill in technology
3. Language
3.1. Writing skills
3.1.1. Writing process Editing
3.2. Computer word processing skills
3.2.1. Editing using Word
3.3. How to search on the Web
3.3.1. Use of various search engines
3.4. How to create a Web-site
3.4.1. Create a Classroom Web-site
3.5. Create a blog to coincide with a novel study
3.5.1. Create link to connect individual student blogs through Classroom Web-site
4. Classroom Environment
4.1. open concept
4.2. large tables
4.3. access to laptop/laptops at each table
4.4. resource center
4.4.1. textbooks
4.4.2. dictionaries
4.4.3. encyclopedias
4.4.4. calculators
4.4.5. paper and pencils
4.4.6. classroom computers printer