Family types

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Family types by Mind Map: Family types

1. Extended Family

1.1. Father

1.2. Mother

1.3. Childrens

1.3.1. Son / Daughter

1.4. Grandparents / Aunt and Uncle

2. Single Parent Family

2.1. Father or Mother

2.2. Childrens

2.2.1. Son / Daughter

3. Grandparents Family

3.1. Grandparents

3.2. Grandchildrens

3.2.1. Granddaughter / Grandson

4. Step Family

4.1. Father

4.1.1. Childrens

4.2. Mother

4.2.1. Childrens

4.3. Stepbrothers

5. Nuclear Family

5.1. Father

5.2. Mother

5.3. Childrens

5.3.1. Son / Daughter