Dual System SIM Card

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Dual System SIM Card by Mind Map: Dual System SIM Card

1. Concept

1.1. Innovative

1.1.1. Old idea is 2 SIM cards in one phone, our idea is only 1 SIM card

1.2. Different Prototype

1.3. Strategic 2 - 3

1.4. Value + Benefits

1.4.1. Profit

1.4.2. Cost Savings

2. Research

2.1. Sources

2.2. Find two phone companies that aren't doing the greatest

3. Clarity

4. 80% Visual

5. Balance Workload

6. Idea

6.1. One SIM Card contains two services

6.2. You're not locked into a single contract

7. Design + Manufacturing

7.1. Just the SIM Card can handle two numbers

7.2. Works with your old phone

8. Marketing

8.1. Alliances

8.1.1. Two Phone Companies

8.2. E - commerce

9. Triple Bottom Line

9.1. People- easier to just use one phone

9.2. Planet - one SIM card or phone instead of multiple

9.3. Profit - Attract more customers for the two phone companies

10. Enthusiasm