Daily Routine Automator

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Daily Routine Automator by Mind Map: Daily Routine Automator

1. Benefits

1.1. Convenience of not having to schedule / order the same thing every day

1.1.1. How often do you order the EXACT SAME coffee, or doughnut, or whatever in the scramble to get to work (or school) each the morning Why not just automate it? Everybody wins, lineups for simple commodities like coffee or lunch disappear. Life gets more convenient.

1.2. Saves time for end user, and reduces complexity of doing repittitive things, everyday

1.3. Volume based discounts for the customer? (Because services get a lot of easy repeat business when someone schedules a recurring service)

1.3.1. It might become easier for the end-user to track and budget expenses if they are predictable and repeated.

1.4. Guaranteed repeat business for retailer

1.5. End-user gets VIP treatment wherever they go

2. Automating the daily routine of your commute etc.

2.1. Geolocation

2.2. Internet of Things

2.3. E-Commerce

3. Specifications / Rubric

3.1. 80% Visual or More

3.2. 10 Minute Presentation

3.3. Balanced Workload

3.4. Should make sense to a non-technical investor

4. Example use-case scenario

4.1. 1. You oversleep, and miss your alarm...

4.2. 2. Geo-location indicates that your phone is still at home -- 15 minutes after you're supposed to leave for work...

4.3. 3. You scramble to get ready. A taxi shows up, right at your door, exactly when you step outside...

4.4. 4. When the cab drops you off, the coffee shop in your office building already has your favorite brew and a pastry ready to go...

4.5. 5. Every day could go this smoothly, with our automated morning routine service.

5. Technologies

5.1. Internet of things, run through your mobile phone as a hub

5.2. Custom tailored data analytics made to serve end-user, instead of end user's data only serving big companies

5.3. Existing similar services (nothing comprehensive)

5.3.1. If This Then That

5.3.2. Automatic bill payments on banking app

6. What does the service offer (as a process)?

6.1. Easily set up recurring orders, which are pre-paid, placed just-in-time ahead of your ETA, so that they're ready when you get there

6.2. Automatic bill payments

6.3. Set up fall-backs / or back up plans, based on triggers (running late for example)

6.4. Notifies you in case you forgot to pay a bill.

7. Project Deliverable Breakdown

7.1. Concept pitch / proposal, including prototype app

7.2. Technical specifications, and production plan for back-end service

7.3. Marketing strategy, and strategic partnerships with other companies, vendors etc.

7.4. Need to define a 4th thing so everyone has a job. TODO: consider splitting other tasks into smaller sub-tasks to redistribute work

8. Advanced security

8.1. Offers home security, setting up house passcode

8.2. Fire monitoring and burglary monitoring

8.3. Security alerts

9. Cons

9.1. Setting up might take few minutes

9.2. App update will be required

9.3. Advanced technology might be a problem for few people