Payment Process

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Payment Process by Mind Map: Payment Process

1. 1. Customer Order/Subscription

1.1. SUCCESS: Proceeds as normal

1.2. FAIL: Sends follow up email

1.2.1. Currently happening?

2. 2. Credit Card Expires

2.1. 20 days out

2.2. 10 days out

2.3. 3 days out

2.4. 1 day out

2.5. Day expires, credit card will decline on next attempt.

2.5.1. This should not be processed as cancelled until the credit card is declined

3. 3. Credit Card Declines

3.1. 1st attempt

3.1.1. HTTP Post to Cancel Sub

3.1.2. Cancels PlatU Subscription Needs to move to 3rd attempt

3.2. 2nd attempt

3.3. 3rd/final attempt

3.3.1. Cancel Membership Removes active tag Applies cancelled tag

4. 4. Credit Card Updated

4.1. Reactivates Subscription

4.2. Removes tags

4.2.1. suspended, etc

4.3. Applies tags

4.3.1. active

4.4. Tasks Raquel to verify payment processed