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FirstBridge by Mind Map: FirstBridge

1. problems

1.1. production and consumption of resources

1.2. Everything

2. Methods of Inquiry

2.1. interpretation

2.2. scientific method

2.3. Ideas should resist attack

3. Hypothesis

3.1. Hypothetical Method

3.1.1. Darwin and Theory of Natural Selection

3.1.2. repeated confirmation falsifiable Popper

3.1.3. relative truth

4. Skills

4.1. programming

4.2. Thinking deeper

4.3. Analyzing

4.4. Citation

4.5. Logical Reasoning

5. meaning of life

5.1. Subjectivity

5.2. Interpretation

6. Social Sciences

6.1. History

6.2. Economics

6.3. Linguistics

6.4. anthropology

6.5. Political Science

6.5.1. humans and power

6.6. Law

6.7. Psychology

6.8. Sociology

6.9. Georgraphy

6.10. Art

6.10.1. interpretation Subjective

7. Models

8. Philosophy

8.1. Knowledge

8.1.1. Beliefs Facts

8.2. Plato

8.2.1. Metaphysics What is real?

8.2.2. Kant

8.3. Play-Doh's republic

8.3.1. can yall spell

8.4. Problematic!!

8.5. Questions everything

8.5.1. who decides right and wrong

8.6. Religion

8.6.1. Does God exist?

8.7. Aesthetics

8.7.1. What is beautiful?

8.8. Ethics

8.8.1. What is proper?

8.9. Epistemology

8.9.1. What is true?

8.10. Morals

8.10.1. What is right?

9. Chaos!

9.1. Speaking in class

10. Philosophers

10.1. Plato

10.1.1. Allegory of the Cave

10.1.2. The Apology of Socrates

10.2. David Hume

10.2.1. Empirical Skepticism

10.3. Socrates

10.3.1. Founder of philosophy

10.3.2. I know that I know nothing

10.4. Rene Descartes

10.4.1. Doubt

10.4.2. Cogito ergo sum

10.4.3. res cogitans

10.5. Immanuel Kant

10.5.1. Categorical Imperative 3 descriptions

10.5.2. Phenomenal Noumenal

10.5.3. Hypothetical Imperative

10.5.4. Categorical Imperative

10.6. Thomas Hobbes

10.7. Paul Feyerabend

10.7.1. How to defend society against science Science as the new religious dogma

10.7.2. Anything Goes

10.8. Aristotle

10.9. Thomas Kuhn

10.9.1. Normal Science

10.10. John Locke

11. Natural Born Cyborgs

11.1. Society

11.2. Technology

11.3. Enhancing our efficiency

11.4. Brain is extended, outside of the head

11.5. language, numbers - cyborg qualities

12. Religion

12.1. Dogmatic Texts

13. Information and Knowledge

13.1. sources

13.1.1. physical books

13.1.2. internet

13.2. citation

13.2.1. APA citation

13.2.2. MLA citation

13.2.3. Bibliography

13.2.4. Works Cited

13.3. Library tour

14. philosophy and computer science

15. Concepts

15.1. Induction

15.1.1. Galileo Galilei

15.1.2. Natural Sciences observation

15.1.3. Francis Bacon

15.1.4. Mill

15.2. Deduction

15.2.1. Hard Sciences Maths, logics demonstration

15.3. behaviorism

15.4. materialism

15.5. artificial intelligence

15.6. Reductionism

15.7. empiricism vs rationalism

15.8. synthetic psychology

15.9. Objectivity and Subjectivity

15.10. If, Then

16. Alice

16.1. Programming

16.1.1. Input and Output

16.2. Videos

16.2.1. Calculator

16.3. Behavior

16.4. Variables

16.5. Functions

16.6. Parameters

16.7. Events

16.8. If, Else

16.9. Bad graphics

17. Links

18. Legos

18.1. Robots

18.1.1. sensors

18.2. Assembling and programming them

18.3. external behavior vs internal structure

19. Machines

19.1. Cyborgs

19.1.1. Human Mind vs Man Made technology

19.1.2. external devices

19.1.3. Andy Clark

19.2. Braitenberg

20. Reflective Seminar

20.1. Citations

20.2. Plagiarism

20.3. Different Sources

20.3.1. Reliable and non-reliable sources

21. Plagiarism