11.2 Discussing Safety Produceres.

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11.2 Discussing Safety Produceres. by Mind Map: 11.2  Discussing  Safety Produceres.

1. Vocabulary

1.1. Health and Safety.

1.2. Prevent.

1.3. Protective equipment.

2. Grammar

2.1. Must

2.1.1. All pilots must have license.

2.1.2. (= They have to have one.)

2.1.3. You mustn't carry dangerous items on planes.(= You´re not allowed to.)

3. Useful Language

3.1. What are the health and safety regulations.

3.2. What´s the correct procedure.

3.3. You must wear ear/ eye protrction.

3.4. This is hazardous material.

3.5. What protective equipment should I wear?

3.6. You´re not allowed to smoke here.

4. Types of equipment to the safety

4.1. Mask

4.2. Hard hat

4.3. Ear protection

4.4. Eye protection

4.5. Protective gloves

4.6. High visibility clothing

4.7. Protective shoes or boots