12.3 Welcoming Visitors.

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12.3 Welcoming Visitors. by Mind Map: 12.3 Welcoming Visitors.

1. Useful Language

1.1. Have a seat. Mr. Johnson will be with you in a moment.

1.2. Sorry I´m late.

1.3. That´s Ok.

1.4. My Office is through here. After you

1.5. Shall I take your coat?

1.6. Thanks. Here you are.

1.7. Do you mind if I open the Window?

1.8. No, not at all.

1.9. Shall we take a break?

1.10. Yes, good idea

1.11. Can I get you anything to drink?

1.12. No, I´m fine thanks.

2. Vocabulary

2.1. Polite phrases

2.2. Small talk

2.3. Simple solution

2.4. Interested

2.5. Topic of conversation

2.6. Sorry late