12.2 Passiong on information

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12.2 Passiong on information by Mind Map: 12.2 Passiong on information

1. useful Language

1.1. She promised to finish the report this week. He agreed to increase the budget by 10olo. We've decided not to start work yet. He said he was happy to attend and was keen to give a talk. He doesn't tike flying, so he was reluctant to go by plane. They refused to do the work because it was too dangerous.

2. pronunciation

2.1. t agreed He agreed_to help

2.1.1. 2 refused They refused_to do it. 3 promised She promised to send it.

3. vocabulary

3.1. 1 keen, huppy 2 agreed 3 refused 4 reluctant 5 promised

4. grammar

4.1. 'l'm very busy.'> 'l have a copy.' > 'l can email it.' > 'l'[[ send it.' > He said he was very busy. He said he had a copy. He said he could emaiI it. He said he would send it.