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1. News and Events

1.1. News

1.1.1. Updates on the latest news regarding the website

1.2. Events

1.2.1. Update on the latest events with relevance to the site.

2. Clasroom Material

2.1. Primary Source Sets

2.1.1. Sets of primary sources on specific topics.

2.2. Lesson Plans

2.2.1. Teacher-created lesson plans using Library of Congress primary sources.

2.3. Presentations and Activities

2.3.1. Media-rich historical context and opportunities for both teachers and students to explore.

2.4. Themed Resources

2.4.1. The Library’s best exhibitions, activities, primary sources, and lesson plans on popular curricular themes.

2.5. Connections Collections

2.5.1. Historical context and ideas for teaching with specific Library of Congress primary source collections.

3. Professional Development

3.1. Build and Deliver

3.1.1. In this part of the website you can download and facilitate ready-to-present professional development modules from the Library's groundbreaking delivery system.

3.2. Take Online Modules

3.2.1. Complete an interactive self-directed lesson module from the Library of Congress.

4. TPS Partners

4.1. Provides link to the Teaching With Primary Sources Website

4.1.1. The Teaching with Primary Sources Program works with colleges and other educational organizations to deliver professional development programs that help teachers use the Library of Congress's rich reservoir of digitized primary source materials to design challenging, high-quality instruction.

5. Using Primary Sources

5.1. Engage students with primary sources.

5.1.1. Tips on how to draw upon student's prior knowledge of a topic

5.2. Promote Student Inquiry

5.2.1. Tips on how to encourage students to speculate about each source, its creator, and its context. Encourage students to speculate about each source, its creator, and its context.

5.3. Assess how students apply critical thinking and analysis skills to primary sources.

5.3.1. Tips on how to ensure students properly review what they have learned