Chapter 11 stratification by gender and age stratification = a structured ranking of...

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Chapter 11 stratification by gender and age stratification = a structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in society by Mind Map: Chapter 11 stratification by gender and age              stratification = a structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in society

1. Social construction of gender - 1. Society entitles certain jobs and duties to a certain gender. 2. People are born into this world with definitive ideas of their sexual identity and behave accordingly.

2. Explaining stratification by gender - 1. Stratification by gender can be explained in two ways with one being biological differences and the second being societal differences stemming from the biological differences. 2. Gender stratification is understood by 4 different types of people functionalists, interactionists, conflict perspective, and feminists.

3. Women: the oppressed majority - Women make up a majority of our population yet they are still found to be oppressed in different aspects of life. 2. There are two kinds of sexism affecting women and that's individual sexism and the more likely institutional sexism. This sexism is one where the large companies and entities of America are run by men and are particularly for men.

4. Aging and society - 1. The way in which older people treated depends greatly on the society. Some revere them while some see them as unproductive and difficult. 2. The main difference of this minority group is that regardless of who you are, you will become a part of this group no matter what

5. Explaining the aging process - 1. Because of the advancements in medicine the age at which we perceive people as old is being pushed back. The aging process is looked at by 3 different perspectives, the functionalist, interactionist, and the conflict theory.

6. Age stratification in the United States - 1. The chance of any non-white race being over the age of 65 is lower than the chance of a white person being over 65. 2. The wealth and income of people above 65 is deemed better than other age groups. While they do have class differences, the differences between them are much more narrow.

7. Chapter 11 key terms: 1. Homophobia - Fear of and prejudice against homosexuality 2. Instrumentality - an emphasis on tasks, a focus on more distant goals, and a concern for the external relationship between one's family and other social institutions. 3. Expressiveness - denotes concern for the maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family. 4 Institutional discrimination - the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from the normal operations of a society 5. Sexism - the ideology that one sex is superior to the other 6. Sexual harassment - behavior that occurs when work benefits are made contingent on sexual favors, or when touching, lewd comments, or the exhibition of pornographic material creates a " hostile environment" 7. glass ceiling - an invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individuals's gender, races, , or ethnicity. 8. Gerontology - the study of the sociological and psychological aspects of aging and the problems of the aged.

8. -2 Article links- This is an article that claims North Dakota oil town is a sexist nightmare, and I have to agree, that it more than likely is. this article is about a woman who claims she was fired in favor of a more attractive younger employee, and in the article it does a good job of persuading you of such.

9. 3 examples: 1. Make opportunities readily available to both genders regardless of field 2. Make more laws that would prevent discrimination from occurring 3. Try to change some long held stereotypes with STEM fields and men and women.

10. I think getting rid of gender discrimination would only help females and wouldn't do anything to hinder males, I also feel this is the same for young and old people. It would only prevent the age that is being discriminated against from that.