Web 2.0 Sessions

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Web 2.0 Sessions by Mind Map: Web 2.0 Sessions

1. IM

1.1. Chat Tools

1.1.1. AIM

1.1.2. Google Talk

1.1.3. MSN Messenger

1.1.4. Yahoo

1.1.5. ICQ

1.2. Cross Platform

1.2.1. Digsby

1.2.2. Pidgin

1.2.3. Meebo

2. Networking

2.1. Sosius

2.2. Live Space

2.3. Yahoo Groups

3. RSS Feed Readers

3.1. Web Based

3.1.1. Google Reader

3.1.2. eskobo

3.1.3. NewsGator Online

3.2. Client Based

3.2.1. FeedDemon

3.2.2. omea

3.2.3. Bloglines

3.3. Mobile

3.3.1. NewsGator Go

3.4. Mail Based (Outlook)

3.4.1. NewsGator Inbox

3.5. MAC

3.5.1. NetNewsWire

3.5.2. Shrook

3.5.3. Google Reader

3.5.4. Cyndicate

4. Brainstorming

4.1. bubbl.us

4.2. mindmeister

4.3. mind42.com

4.4. mindomo

4.5. kayuda

5. Blogs

5.1. Blogger

5.2. WordPress

5.3. TypePad

5.4. Micro Blogs

5.4.1. Twitter

5.4.2. Pownce

5.4.3. Tumblr

5.4.4. Jaiku

6. Wikis

6.1. Wetpaint

6.2. WikiSpaces

7. Mashups

7.1. Yahoo Pipes

7.2. JackBe

8. Interactive

8.1. Snap Shots

9. Browsers

9.1. Flock

9.2. Firefox

10. Large File Transfer

10.1. yousendit

11. Mark Up

11.1. Stickis

12. Document Collaboration

12.1. Zoho

12.2. Google Docs

12.3. Buzzword

12.4. Thinkfree

12.5. Writeboard

13. Bookmarking

13.1. del.icio.us

14. Personalised Start Page

14.1. Netvibes

14.2. iGoogle

14.3. favoor

14.4. Protopage

15. Project Management

15.1. Basecamp

15.2. Zoho

15.3. Myintervals

15.4. Teamspace

16. Note Taking

16.1. Zoho Notebook

16.2. Google Notebook

16.3. Notefish

16.4. stikkit

16.5. Yahoo Notepad

17. Online Backup

17.1. MAC

17.1.1. Mozy

17.2. PC

17.2.1. Carbonite

17.2.2. humyo

17.2.3. Nortons

18. Calendar Meeting Management

18.1. Presdo

19. Task Management

19.1. Remember the Milk

20. Online Storage

20.1. SkyDrive