Marquette Neighborhood Health Center

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Marquette Neighborhood Health Center by Mind Map: Marquette Neighborhood Health Center

1. MNHC is an in-network provider for all Marquette University health plans (EPO and PPO). Conveniently located near the west end of campus at 1834 W. Wisconsin Avenue, the center is operated by the College of Nursing.

2. Community Partners

3. Practitioners and Staff

3.1. Nurse Practitioners

3.1.1. The nurse practitioners provide a wide range of primary health care services to children, adults and families, with a focus on the person rather than a disease. They are advanced practice nurses with licensure to prescribe medications, and consult with physicians as needed.

3.1.2. Family Nurses

3.1.3. Midwife Nurses

3.1.4. Pediatric Nurses

3.2. Staff

3.3. Hours will change soon because of staffing

3.4. Margaret Ann “Martty” Berner, MSN, CNM, APNP

3.4.1. Nurse Midwife

3.4.2. MNHC Nurse Manager

3.4.3. International Work

3.4.4. Research

4. Audiences

4.1. Getting more commercially insured people to use the center

4.1.1. Looking to have 15% to 20% of clientele

4.1.2. Most clients covered by Medicaid; 5 % have Medicare coverage; 10% have commercial insurance.

4.2. Current and Potential Funders

4.3. Prospective Students

5. New Programs?

5.1. New Grants?

6. Objectives

6.1. Promoting Raising Needs

6.2. Linking Stories to Program's Web Site

6.3. Develop Client Testimonials

7. MNHC's vision is to reduce health disparities by delivering quality health care to adults and children in the Milwaukee metropolitan area and to provide clinical education to nursing students.

8. Services

8.1. Services include yearly check-ups (school, sports and work physicals), well-child care, immunizations, screenings, laboratory tests and management of chronic illnesses.

8.2. Center serves vulnerable sectors of the community.

8.3. Allows MU faculty opportunities to maintain certifications and conduct research.