1. Objectives
1.1. See or hear ratios (8 boats to 4 dogs) and reproduce them.
1.1.1. Scaffolding Strategy #1: Use of Guided Notes Key Factors Key factor: For lower-level students, this provides some guidance and fills in gaps of knowledge. For students who are slower writers. The notes provide a bulk of the content, and students simply have to fill in some blanks. Students who have difficulty processing new information. The notes already provide that information, which gives them a leg up in comprehension. Students who have trouble with critical concepts. Diagrams and explanations will provide assistance to them. Examples and references Guided Notes Example from Jefferson MIddle School, North Carolina Reference:
1.1.2. Scaffolding Strategy #2: Model, Draw, and Simplify [Game] About the Activity Every student will be given some Monopoly-like figurines (boats and dogs). They will also have blank sheets of paper. The teacher will say a ratio "8 boats to 4 dogs". The students have 50 seconds to arrange the figurines, draw the ratios, and then simplify the ratio. The more tasks they accomplish, the more points they earn in this game. Key factors for students The students have a relatively short time to complete the task. Low level students can still accomplish the task by drawing or arranging the figurines. Higher-level students should also be able to simplify the ratios. For students who are tactile learners, or have trouble paying attention, the use of drawing and handling realia may help them focus better. Likewise, the added time pressure and gamified nature can help them pay more attention. We can even put students into pairs or teams (balanced by skill level) and have them square off.
1.2. Change a ratio (5:3) into a fraction (5/3)
1.2.1. Scaffolding Strategy #3: Think aloud and "I do, we do, you do" How it works [I do] Demonstrate on the board a thought-by-thought commentary on how to make a ratio into a fraction [We do] Provide worksheets for students which have fill in the blanks for the thought-by-thought commentary. Have students complete worksheet. [You do] Prompt students to model the think aloud process alone. Key factors for students The strength of this scaffolding is that it breaks down the complex process into smaller sizable chunks. When lower level students struggle, we will be able to isolate the specific area of (ratio to fraction) conversion that he or she is having difficulty with. Once isolated, we can further build up that skill.
1.2.2. Scaffolding Strategy #4: Three-tiered worksheet. There will be a central column of problems which are standard difficulty. If the student answers the question correctly, then they will move over to the right column, which contains more challenging problems. If the student doesn't answer correctly, they will move to the left column which has easier problems. Key factor: This three-column worksheet contains three levels of difficulty: average, above average and below average. Each student will be able to find their own level. Lower level students will do more questions on the left side, and higher level students will do more on the right.
2. Standard for Grade 6 Math
2.1. Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. (Common Core Math Grade 6 RP1)
3.1. Counting
3.2. Proportions
3.3. Comparing 2 quantities
3.4. Changing a ratio to a fraction
4. References
4.1. http://www.mshouser.com/teaching-tips/8-strategies-for-scaffolding-instruction
4.1.1. Midterm