Internet Safety
by Ethan Wang
1. Your age
2. Your favorite video game
3. Your gender
4. Phone number
5. School name
6. Home address
7. Online Communication
8. Private vs. Personal information
9. Private Information: Information that CAN be used to identify you
10. Personal Information: Information that CANT be used to identify you
11. Video messaging
12. Texting
13. Use internet traffic lights to determine wether it's safe to move forward(green), proceed with caution(yellow) or to stop (red)
14. Beware of online predators: adults who stalk children online
15. Tip: Online predators will usually tell you to keep the chat private and a secret
16. DO NOT give your private information out to strangers
17. It's fine to share your personal information with others online, but DO NOT share your private information with people you do not know well online
18. Internet Use Both Positive and Negative
19. Being a Good Digital Citizen
20. There are many positive uses of the internet, but there can also be negative effects of it
21. Great for finding and researching information in search engines
22. Comunication with people around the world
23. Businesses can do transactions with their customers
24. Inappropriate or illegal material can be found on the internet
25. Some criminals use the internet to spread viruses or use other peoples bank accounts
26. Tip: If you are not sure whether or not something is inappropriate for you to view or not, think about if your grandma would approve of it. If she wouldn't it's probably not ok for you to view.
27. The internet can sometimes be very dangerous because they can be disguised as someone else.
28. When communicating online, talk as if you would talk in real life
29. Be wary of your digital footprint, as anything you post on the internet will stay there and can be eventually tracked down.
30. Do not plagiarize someone else hard work, as it is considered a crime
31. Think before you send: Remember that behind the computer, there is a human with feelings so be careful of what you send to others