Assessment w/changes

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Assessment w/changes by Mind Map: Assessment w/changes

1. Analysis

2. Judgement

3. Measuring

4. Test

5. Observation

5.1. This can be informal

6. Determination

7. Rating

8. Formal

8.1. Data

8.2. Standardized

8.3. Non-Referenced Tests

8.4. Anchor Tests

8.5. Benchmark

9. Informal

9.1. Individual projects

9.2. Experiments

9.3. Oral Presentations

9.4. Essays

9.5. Reports

10. Recording

10.1. Strategies

10.1.1. Observations

10.1.2. Performance

10.1.3. Process-focused

10.1.4. Selected Responses

10.1.5. Open-Ended Tasks

10.2. Tools

10.2.1. Rubrics

10.2.2. Exemplars

10.2.3. Checklists

10.2.4. Anecdotal Records

10.2.5. Continuums

11. Reporting

11.1. Conferences

11.1.1. Teacher-student

11.1.2. Teacher-parent

11.1.3. Student-led

11.1.4. Three way

11.2. Written Report

11.3. Exhibition


13. Opinion

14. Statistics

15. Summative


15.2. Midterm exam

15.3. Final Project

15.4. A Paper

16. Calculation

17. Evaluation

18. Formative


18.2. Recognize where students are struggling

18.3. Strengths and weaknesses

18.4. Concept Map

18.5. Rubrics

18.6. Student Work

18.7. Collecting Evidence

19. Effective Assessments

19.1. Share their learning

19.2. Reflection

19.3. Analyse learning and understanding