Basic English

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Basic English by Mind Map: Basic English

1. Are you on time

1.1. we learned to tell time correctly

1.2. one o' clock

1.3. Half past seven

1.4. It's five past six

2. Where are you from

2.1. We learn to express in English the place where we come

3. Possessive Adjectives

3.1. possessive adjectives as used

4. Country

4.1. We learned names of countries and nationalities as they say

4.2. El salvador

4.3. Salvadoran

5. Demonstrative Pronoun

6. Family

6.1. We learned how are called family members

7. Sentences

7.1. form a sentence correctly

8. Negative and interrogative sentences

8.1. We learned how are the negative and interrogative sentences

8.2. Is he a student?

8.3. He isn't

9. Verbs

9.1. We learned how the verbs are written in English

10. There is/There are

10.1. We learn to express as they are called appliances and furniture.

11. To be or not to be

11.1. the verb to be has different forms

12. Personal Pronouns

12.1. We learned that a pronoun replaces the name, and makes it easier to typical expression

13. Jobs

13.1. we learned that there are many types of jobs