Revelation chapter 3

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Revelation chapter 3 by Mind Map: Revelation chapter 3

1. Revelation 3:1-3 Sardis The Self-Help Church

2. Revelation 3:4 a few in Sardis commended

3. Revelation 3:5-6 victors confessed before the father

4. Revelation 3:7 the key of David

5. Revelation 3:8 a door opened for Philadelphia

6. Revelation 3:9 the synagogue of Satan reproved

7. Revelation 3:10-11 kept from the hour of trial

8. Revelation 3:12-13 the faithful will be pillars

9. Revelation 3:14 the Amen

10. Revelation 3:15-17 Laodicea neither cold nor hot

11. Revelation 3:18-19 Laodicea challenged

12. Revelation 3:20 Christ the door

13. Revelation 3:21-22 winners will share Christ's throne

14. Table of Contents