Anthem as objectivism

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Anthem as objectivism by Mind Map: Anthem as objectivism

1. metaphysics

1.1. pg.53 ''we came to know that we had found the greatest power on earth''

1.2. pg.76 "we have not many days to live"

1.3. pg84 'Give us your hand. look ahead. it is our own world, golden one, a strange world, but our own

2. epistemology

2.1. "I wished to know the meaning of things i am the meaning" pg 94

2.2. pg.74 " and if this should lighten the toil of men'' said similarity 5-0306"then it is a great evil, for men have no cause to exist save in toiling for other men"

3. ethics

3.1. pg.76 "we have not built this box for the good of our brothers"

3.2. "my happiness is not the means to any end . It is the end"pg95

4. politics

4.1. pg.94 " i wished to find a warrant for being . i needed no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. i am the warrant and the sanction''

4.2. "i do not surrender my treasures nor do i have to share them. The fortune of my spirit is not to be blown into coins of brass and flung to the winds as alms for the poor of spirit" pg 95

4.3. pg.76 "we built it for its own sake"