Arachne and Athena

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Arachne and Athena by Mind Map: Arachne and Athena

1. Don't compare oneself to the Gods

1.1. Because Arachne boasted that she was a good as Athena, she was turned into a spider.

2. Capabilities and limitations of humans

2.1. While she was capable of weaving a beautiful tapestry, she was still not able to beat Athena who ultimately won the challenge.

3. Pride

3.1. Athena's pride caused her to turn Arachne into a spider.

4. Egotism and Arrogance

4.1. Arachne believed she was better than Athena which ultimately led to her being turned into a spider.

5. Jealousy

5.1. Athena was jealous of Arachne's tapestry and weaving skills, so she turned her into a spider.