Ethic and the role of the college student enrolled in business adminastration at AMU

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Ethic and the role of the college student enrolled in business adminastration at AMU by Mind Map: Ethic and the role of the college student enrolled in business adminastration at AMU

1. Unethical behavior can be changed through the will power of the college student. An example would be that starting off cheating on an exam, the student rather studies for it and has the tools that one needs in order to be successful. Determination plays a big role on the student as well as dedication.

2. Ethical behavior is the way to go, when enrolled into a business administration degree. By stating this, the student is going to either start their own business or work in the field of business. An example of ethical behavior is having the right tools when going into the work place, staying positive is a major role in the college student because there will be times when one faces hard decision or even failure.

3. Ethical and Unethical can balance the amount of success and knowledge the college student has, these are both important because it helps the student either become a hard working individual which will become successful or a lazy worker who will always try to find the easy way out which is usually wrong.

4. The roles of a college student are to be determined, positive and have a great work ethic. This will lead the student to success and as well as having a great work environment.

5. Ethics effect your work environment in two different ways, it can range from a positive work environment into a negative work environment due to the acts of unethical behavior. An example of unethical behavior would be stealing from the company that you work for, and positive would be putting in hard work in order to get the promotion the individual deserves.

6. Conclusion: These are the importance of the ethics and the role of the college student that is enrolled in business administration at AMU. Because one is enrolled into a online college, ethic is very important because there's plenty negative advantages as well as positive advantages it depends on the role of the student and how the student will learn and conduct work.