Modern Materials: Group 1 What building materials would offer the best energy efficiency for hom...

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Modern Materials: Group 1 What building materials would offer the best energy efficiency for homes? What materials offer a modern "look" on new homes? by Mind Map: Modern Materials: Group 1  What building materials would offer the best energy efficiency for homes?  What materials offer a modern "look" on new homes?

1. Steel Beam. Steel is durable against high winds and can withstand force against some earthquakes so the home does not collapse.


2. Keep your roof lasting longer. Reflective roofs not only reduce heat buildup, they also prevent the expansion and contraction that degrade roofs.


3. Mr. Sherwood

3.1. Information 1

3.1.1. Picture

3.1.2. Link

3.1.3. Explanation

3.2. Information 2

3.3. etc...

4. Darwin Jun

4.1. Solar Panels


4.1.2. Solar panels are efficient because of their ability to capture the sunlight and use it as energy in homes. This will provide energy efficiency to home.

5. Jason Stahlhoefer

5.1. ETFE Film

6. Valeria Alegre

6.1. Recycled Steel framing: it is durable against earthquakes and other natural disasters, uses less energy, and sends out less harmful carbon dioxide gas.

6.2. Spray Foam Insulation: Keeps in more conditioned air inside the home reducing the amount of energy used by air conditioners in a home. Does not produce harmful gases and is water proof.

6.3. Bamboo Plywood: It not only provides a design look for walls, it is free of high vapor pressure, easy access, and sustainable resource. All natural non toxic bamboo wood.

7. Michele Walter

7.1. Cast in place concrete: These walls are sandwiched between two thick layers of insulation and become a permanent part of the structure making is much more sturdy. It acts like insulation so the inside of the building is not made of concrete.


7.2. Solar Water Heaters: Placing solar collectors on the top of your roof and the

8. Madelyn McAndrew

8.1. ETFE(Ethylene Tetrafluorothylene) is paper thin film that is transparent and is nonstick so it keeps itself clean. The sheets are fused into pillows and pumped with air which allows the material to


8.2. LED lights or

9. Nicole Duran

9.1. Fiber Glass windows. These windows can withstand heat,cold,pests and ultra violet rays. This can help keep the heating and cooling


10. Amare Mills

10.1. Replace the roof with one with an ENERGY STAR® label. It will save energy and help protect the environment through superior energy-efficiency.


10.2. Reduce the strain on your AC by applying reflective coating. This will help you save by decreasing the amount of heat coming into your home.


11. Zachary Deckard

11.1. LED Light Bulbs

11.1.1. LED light bulbs are extremely energy efficient but, have been stopped from being used wide spread due to their steep price. LEDs are not only energy efficient, but also are long-lasting and do not heat up. LEDs take up only 6-28 watts versus incandescents 40-150.

11.1.2. LED Light Bulb

11.2. CFL Light Bulbs

11.3. CFL Light Bulbs