Australian Curriculum: Technologies

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Australian Curriculum: Technologies by Mind Map: Australian Curriculum: Technologies

1. Rationale

1.1. helps students to become innovative creators of digital solutions, effective users of digital systems and critical consumers of information conveyed by digital systems.

1.2. provides students with authentic learning challenges that foster curiosity, confidence, persistence, innovation, creativity, respect and cooperation. These are all necessary when using and developing information systems to make sense of complex ideas and relationships in all areas of learning.

1.3. Helps students to be regional and global citizens capable of actively and ethically communicating and collaborating.

1.4. empowers students to shape change by influencing how contemporary and emerging information systems and practices are applied to meet current and future needs.

1.5. provides students with practical opportunities to use design thinking and to be innovative developers of digital solutions and knowledge

2. Year Levels

2.1. F - Y2

2.2. Y3 - Y4

2.3. Y5 - Y6

2.4. Y7 - Y8

3. Cross curriculum priorities

3.1. Sustainability

3.2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

3.3. Asia and Australia's engagement

4. Digital Technologies

4.1. Aims

4.1.1. design, create, manage and evaluate sustainable and innovative digital solutions to meet and redefine current and future needs

4.1.2. use computational thinking and the key concepts of abstraction; data collection, representation and interpretation; specification, algorithms and implementation to create digital solutions

4.1.3. apply systems thinking to monitor, analyse, predict and shape the interactions within and between information systems and the impact of these systems on individuals, societies, economies and environments.

4.1.4. apply protocols and legal practices that support safe, ethical and respectful communications and collaboration with known and unknown audiences

4.1.5. confidently use digital systems to efficiently and effectively automate the transformation of data into information and to creatively communicate ideas in a range of settings

4.2. Key ideas

4.2.1. Overarching idea Provides students with opportunities to consider how solutions that are created now will be used in the future. Identify the possible benefits and risks of creating solutions. Will use critical and creative thinking to weigh up possible short- and long-term impacts. Develop solutions to meet needs considering impacts on liveability, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability. Students will learn to recognise that views about the priority of the benefits and risks will vary and that preferred futures are contested.

4.2.2. Project management Develop skills to manage projects to successful completion through planning, organising and monitoring timelines, activities and the use of resources. This includes considering resources and constraints to develop resource, finance, work and time plans; assessing and managing risks; making decisions; controlling quality; evaluating processes and collaborating and communicating with others at different stages of the process. Students are taught to plan for sustainable use of resources when managing projects and take into account ethical, health and safety considerations and personal and social beliefs and values.

4.3. Structure

4.3.1. Knowledge & Understanding Digital systems the components of digital systems: hardware, software and networks and their use Representation of data how data are represented and structured symbolically

4.3.2. Processes & production skills Collecting, managing and analysing data Creating digital solutions by

4.4. Cross curriculum

4.4.1. Critical & creative thinking

4.4.2. Literacy

4.4.3. Numeracy

4.4.4. Sustainability

4.4.5. ICT capability

5. General capabilities

5.1. Literacy

5.2. Numeracy

5.3. ICT

5.4. Critical/creative thinking

5.5. Personal/social capability

5.6. Ethical understanding

5.7. Intercultural understandings

6. Design & Technology

6.1. Rationale

6.1.1. Knowledge, understanding & skills involved in the design, development & use of technologies are influenced by & can play a role in enriching & transforming societies & our natural, managed & constructed environments

6.1.2. Enables students to become creative and responsive designers.

6.1.3. Considers ethical, legal, aesthetic and functional factors and the economic, environmental and social impacts of technological change.

6.1.4. The choice and use of technologies contributes to a sustainable future.

6.1.5. Actively engages students in creating quality designed solutions for identified needs and opportunities across a range of technologies contexts.

6.1.6. They apply design and systems thinking and design processes to investigate ideas, generate and refine ideas, plan, produce and evaluate designed solutions.

6.2. Aims

6.2.1. Students; Develop confidence as critical users of technologies and designers and producers of designed solutions investigate, generate and critique innovative and ethical designed solutions for sustainable futures use design and systems thinking to generate design ideas and communicate these to a range of audiences produce designed solutions suitable for a range of technologies contexts by selecting and manipulating a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment creatively, competently and safely managing processes evaluate processes and design solutions and transfer knowledge and skills to new situations understand the roles and responsibilities of people in design and technologies occupations and how they contribute to society.

6.3. Key ideas

6.3.1. Overarching idea Opportunities to consider how solutions that are created now will be used in the future. Identify the possible benefits and risks of creating solutions. Will use critical and creative thinking to weigh up possible short- and long-term impacts. Begin to identify possible and probable futures, and their preferences for the future. They develop solutions to meet needs considering impacts on liveability, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability. Students will learn to recognise that views about the priority of the benefits and risks will vary and that preferred futures are contested.

6.3.2. Project management Develop skills to manage projects to successful completion through planning, organising and monitoring timelines, activities and the use of resources. Includes considering resources and constraints to develop resource, finance, work and time plans; assessing and managing risks; making decisions; controlling quality; evaluating processes and collaborating and communicating with others at different stages of the process. Taught to plan for sustainable use of resources when managing projects and take into account ethical, health and safety considerations and personal and social beliefs and values.

6.3.3. Thinking in Technologies Systems thinking Systems thinking is a holistic approach to the identification and solving of problems where the focal points are treated as components of a system, and their interactions and interrelationships are analysed individually to see how they influence the functioning of the entire system. Students recognise the connectedness of and interactions between people, places and events in local and wider world contexts and consider the impact their designs and actions have in a connected world. Requires students to understand systems and work with complexity, uncertainty and risk. Design thinking Design thinking involves the use of strategies for understanding design needs and opportunities, visualising and generating creative and innovative ideas, planning, and analysing and evaluating those ideas that best meet the criteria for success. Require students to identify and investigate a need or opportunity; generate, plan and realise designed solutions; and evaluate products and processes Explore, analyse and develop ideas based on data, inputs and human interactions Computational thinking Computational thinking is a problem-solving method that is applied to create solutions that can be implemented using digital technologies Involves integrating strategies, such as organising data logically, breaking down problems into parts, interpreting patterns and models and designing and implementing algorithms For a computer to be able to process data through a series of logical and ordered steps, students must be able to take an abstract idea and break it down into defined, simple tasks that produce an outcome. Examples include when calculating costs, testing materials and components, comparing performance or modelling trends.

6.4. Structure

6.4.1. 2 strands Knowledge & understanding Technology & society Technologies context Provide knowledge, understanding and skills Teaching should balance and integrate strands Processes & production skills Creating designed solutions by

6.4.2. Knowledge and understandings Focus on underpinning K&U of technologies Technologies & society Focus on HOW people use & develop technology Takes into account social, economic, environmental, ethical, legal, aesthetic & functional factors Impact of technologies on individuals; families; local, regional & global communities; the economy; and environment - now & future. Technologies contexts Engineering principles and systems Food and fibre production Food specialisations Materials and technologies specialisations Design and Technologies processes and production skills Major aspects of design thinking, design processes and production processes Investigating and defining Generating and designing Producing and implementing Evaluating Collaborating and managing

6.5. Cross curriculum

6.5.1. Literacy

6.5.2. Critical & creative thinking

6.5.3. Personal & social capabilities

6.5.4. ICT capabilities

6.5.5. Numeracy

6.5.6. Ethical understanding

6.5.7. Sustainability