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ePortfolios by Mind Map: ePortfolios

1. ePortfolios helps students reflect their educational growth.

1.1. This is a benefit because as a student we do not focus on the importance of our work, and taking time to reflect can show us exactly how important our everyday work really is. We can also use this method in the future to help prepare us.

2. ePortfolios can be used for different purposes and shifts a long the course of a students life.

2.1. This shows growth among a students life. It may shift among what you learned in middle school, then in high school, then in college and so on. I think this would be a good way to never forget what you have learned and accomplished.

3. ePortfolios can help students develop their own goals for their learning.

3.1. I think this is beneficial to students because setting goals for their learning can really help them in the long run. Even if it is a small goal it is still something to try to achieve and I think that having a goal is really important to help you get to the next step.