1. Learner Profiles
1.1. Student 1: This student is very much a visual learner and responds well when there is some kind of visual aid.
1.1.1. Strategy 1: The teacher could incorporate a computer game into the lesson which supports the students visual learning preference and meets the objective.
1.1.2. Strategy 2: The teacher could provide hand outs for the students so that they can look at what she/he is explaining.
1.2. Student 2:This student is a kinesthetic learner. They learn very well from activities or movement.
1.2.1. Strategy 1: Games would be a great way to engage this student.
1.2.2. Strategy 2: The teacher could also involve this student by doing an example where the students have to move around to show the concept of the lesson.
2. Readiness
2.1. Student 1: This student is an intermediate ELL student. They have a pretty good understanding of the english language but they struggle when given reading tasks or instructions.
2.1.1. Strategy 1: The teacher will provide clear instructions so that the student knows what is expected of them.
2.1.2. Strategy 2: The teacher provides visual aids to help the student understand the lesson.
2.2. Student 2: This student struggles with math. They struggle particularly with the subtraction of bigger numbers.
2.2.1. Strategy 1: The teacher could have guided math groups where students are split into groups of 4-5 students and they help each other complete an assignment with the help of the teacher.
2.2.2. Strategy 2: The teacher could provide extra practice worksheets or computer games for this student to complete at home or during computer lab time so that the student can better understand the concepts of the lesson.
3. Interests
3.1. Student 1: This student is very creative and enjoys the arts including painting, drawing and sculpting. They respond very well when given projects to do in class.
3.1.1. Strategy 1: The teacher could give this student a project to complete. For example, the student could make a poster about the order of operations to hang up in the classroom.
3.1.2. Strategy 2: When filling out worksheets for the lesson, the teacher could leave space for a picture to color or draw that goes with the lesson.
3.2. Student 2: This student is very interested in sports. The respond very well when something is a competition.
3.2.1. Strategy 1: The teacher could incorporate games into the lesson plan. This will help the student focus and learn better while having fun.
3.2.2. Strategy 2: The teacher could have problems relevant to sports on the worksheets or homework assignments.