Reading Comprehension Template

This is a template of the reading comprehension map for Ms. Moix's English class.

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Reading Comprehension Template by Mind Map: Reading Comprehension Template

1. Summary

1.1. Section 1

1.2. Section 2

1.3. Section 3

1.4. Section 4

2. General Info

2.1. 1911

2.2. Ficion

2.3. English

2.4. Garden/Moor

3. Author

3.1. Frances Hodgson Burnett

3.2. November 24, 1849 - October 29, 1924

3.3. British

3.4. About

4. Characters

4.1. Mary

4.2. Colin

4.3. Mrs. Medlock

5. Vocabulary

5.1. Section 1

5.1.1. Word 1

5.1.2. Word 2

5.2. Section 2

5.2.1. Word 1

5.2.2. Word 2

5.3. Section 3

5.3.1. Word 1

5.3.2. Word 2

5.4. Section 4

5.4.1. Word 1

5.4.2. Word 2

6. Plot

6.1. Initial situation

6.2. Conflict

6.3. Complication

6.4. Climax

6.5. Falling Action

6.6. Conclusion

7. Themes, Allusions & Symbols

7.1. Themes- The theme is the garden. They gain strength through the garden, they become healthier because of the garden.

7.2. Symbols- The garden is also the symbol, because the garden growing makes Mary and Collin happy, which makes them healthier.

7.3. Allusion- An allusion in Secret garden is the use of a nursery rhyme " Mary, Mary quite contrary" this is a nursery rhyme that refers to Queen Mary killing people.