Reading Comprehension Template

This is a template of the reading comprehension map for Ms. Moix's English class.

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Reading Comprehension Template by Mind Map: Reading Comprehension Template

1. Themes

2. Author

2.1. William H. Armstrong

2.2. Born 09/14/1911 Died 4/11/1999

2.3. American

2.4. About

3. General Info

3.1. 1995(1969)

3.2. Historical Fiction

3.3. English

3.4. Back in the day

4. Plot

4.1. Initial situation

4.2. Conflict

4.3. Complication - where could the dog had been.

4.4. Climax- The dog had gotten hurt and was badly bleeding.

4.5. Falling Action-Every since what happened to the dog people barely talked to the boy.

4.6. Conclusion-The dog survived after he had gotten hurt.

5. Themes, Allusions & Symbols

5.1. Symbols

5.2. Allusion

6. Section 1,2

6.1. entangled

7. coarsences

8. Section 4

9. Vocabulary

9.1. Section 7,8

9.1.1. cruelty

9.1.2. dog

9.2. Section 3,4

9.2.1. hollering, skittish

9.2.2. poultice

9.3. Section 5,6

9.3.1. quarry

9.3.2. journeys

10. Characters

10.1. Sounders owner

10.2. Sounder

10.3. The man

11. Summary

11.1. Section 1

11.2. Section 2

11.3. Section 3