How & why do educators use video in the classroom?

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How & why do educators use video in the classroom? by Mind Map: How & why do educators use video in the classroom?

1. Illustrating content

1.1. Reinforcing & consolidating knowledge

1.2. to transmit content

2. As a cognitive scaffolding tool (Vygotsky)

2.1. to develop higher order thinking skills and concepts

2.1.1. relatively rare for this to be artiuculated some disagreement with this statement

2.2. by encouraging them to observe the video

2.2.1. personalised learning

2.3. to support independent, autonomous learning

2.4. Language Teachers:

2.4.1. for cultural experience and exposure

2.4.2. to simplify difficult text

2.5. user-generated: by enabling students to construct undersdtanding with video

2.5.1. as an antidote to passivity

2.5.2. sometimes assumes other uses are passive (i.e. just watching)

2.6. dialogic purposes

2.6.1. encourage communication and dialogue in class

2.7. with SEN children

3. why do they use video

3.1. importance of pedagogical underpinning

3.1.1. context important

3.1.2. linked to clear learning objectives

4. to make learning authentic and real

4.1. bring in outside voices

4.2. hearing authentic voices (langauges)

4.3. to develop cultural awareness (e.g. South Africa)

5. as an engagement or motivational tool

5.1. to stimulate learning

5.1.1. e.g. starter or plenary

5.2. to develop pace. rhythm, flow in a lesson

5.2.1. In short bursts(clips) contrast to traditional full video or film more targetted - educationally relevant

5.2.2. because it is a medium students are immersed within

5.3. to cater for different learning styles

5.3.1. good for visual learners

5.3.2. alternative to group presentations

6. Inappropriate usage (e.g. Renne Hobbs)

6.1. passivitity - used as a substitute for talking

6.2. over-use(does it lessen the impact or is this only if it is seen as a motivational tool alone?)

6.3. used as a filler or reward

6.4. repeats the problems of instructional TV