5B Creating An Application Project for Apple Year 5/6

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5B Creating An Application Project for Apple Year 5/6 by Mind Map: 5B Creating An Application Project for Apple  Year 5/6


1.1. Design a user interface for a digital system (ACTDIP018).

1.2. Design, modify and follow simple algorithms involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP019)

1.3. Plan, create and communicate ideas and information, including collaboratively online, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols (ACTDIP022)

2. Specific Learning Goals

2.1. Work Collaboratively

2.2. • Design an educational App

2.3. Highlight levels and features of App

3. Assessment

3.1. Anecdotal assessment records

3.2. Peer Feedback

3.3. Over the shoulder marking

3.4. Create an App Project Rubric

4. Link: http://5bappproject.weebly.com/

5. Preparation and Resources:

5.1. Smartboard

5.2. Mind Map

5.3. Class Set of iPads

5.4. Create an App Application

5.5. Apple App Store

5.6. USB Cords

5.7. Bluetooth

5.8. Digital Cameras

6. Learning and Teaching Adjustments

6.1. The lessons are designed so students can work at their own pace.

6.2. Assessments are open ended.

6.3. Teachers model all instructions.

7. English Link

7.1. Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined audiences and purposes incorporating accurate and sequenced content and multimodal elements (ACELY1700)

7.2. Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1704)

8. LEARNING AREA: Digital Technologies

9. LEARNING FOCUS: Digital Technologies Project and Production Skills

10. Focus Questions

10.1. How will you choose levels?

10.2. What will be in your App?

10.3. What does your app allow the user to do?

10.4. Why is your design important?

11. Introduction

11.1. The teacher will open up the “5B Create an App Project” website on the Smartboard.

11.2. As a class you will complete each of the steps until an example App is created using the information from the previous Mind Map.

12. Body

12.1. Students will open up the “Create an App” application on their individual iPads.

12.2. Working through at their own pace, each student will go through the steps of creating their App.

12.3. Images can either be uploaded from another device or drawn directly on the iPad using the App’s illustration tools.

13. Conclusion

13.1. Students will swap their completed Apps with a partner for assessment. A mark out of 10 will be given and only positive feedback and constructive criticisms are permitted.