What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapter 8-11?

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What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapter 8-11? by Mind Map: What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapter 8-11?

1. Chapter 8

1.1. I spare Miss Wtson's Jim

1.2. "It's good daylight. Let's get breakfast. Make up your camp fire good."

1.3. Huck finds out why Jim is on the island but promises Jim not to tell.

2. Chapter 9

2.1. The House of Death Floats By

2.2. "De man ain't asleep-he's dead. You hold still-I'll go en see"

2.3. Huck and Jim have a little mutual admiration moment.

3. Chapter 10

3.1. What Comes of Handin' Snake-in

3.2. "It's you, at last! - ain't it?"

3.3. Jim predicted bad luck. Huck makes a prank on him. Then huck feels awful about it so this shows he cares. Huck goes to town with a dress and this shows his funny.

4. Chapter 11

4.1. They're After Us!

4.2. "Oh, yes'm, I did. Sarah Mary Williams. Sarah's my first name. Some calls me Sarah, some calls me Mary."

4.3. Huck enters a women's house pretending to be a girl and the women told him everything about Huck and Jim. Huck tells Jim that they have to leave because they were after them. This shows he cares about Jim.