What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11

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What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11 by Mind Map: What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11

1. Chapter 8

1.1. Huck is with Jim in the island where He grows confident in his safety there. They are together.

1.2. Better to fast and pray upon it; and still better, it may be, to leave the mystery as we find it, unless Providence reveal it of its own accord."

1.3. The point of chapter 8 is Jim and Huck carrying out his plan and build a freindship

2. Chapter 9

2.1. He himself, on the other hand, with characteristic humility, avowed his belief that if Providence should see fit to remove him, it would be because of his own unworthiness to perform its humblest mission here on earth. (9.3)

2.2. Jim is able to predict storms

2.3. The point of chapter 9 is friendship between Huck Finn and Jim.

3. Chapter 10

3.1. Huck wanted to give jim padlock by killing a snake and putting it by his feet while Jim was sleep.

3.2. Father Role would be one of two points because Jim does drink but doesn't try and kill Huck

3.3. This chapter allows the reader to witness Chillingworth's evil determination to accomplish his revenge on and to increase the painful inner suffering of young Arthur Dimmesdale.

4. Chapter 11

4.1. Would not the people start up in their seats, by a simultaneous impulse, and tear him down out of the pulpit which he defiled? Not so, indeed! They heard it all, and did but reverence him the more. They little guessed what deadly purport lurked in those self-condemning words. "The godly youth!" said they among themselves. "The saint on earth!

4.2. Huck runs to the island to tell jim they are after us. Huck cared about Jim so he went to tell him

4.3. The point of Ch 11 Would be adventure because Huck Finn is going around town.