A Wrinkle in time

This is a template of the reading comprehension map for Ms. Moix's English class.

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A Wrinkle in time by Mind Map: A Wrinkle in time

1. Author

1.1. Madeleine L'Engle

1.2. Birth/ 11/29/1918 Death/9/2/2007

1.3. New York City, NY

1.4. The author wrote many books in her life time. She spent most of her at her house writing books, poems, and short story's. She eventually died in 2007.

2. General Info

2.1. January 1, 1963

2.2. science fiction

2.3. english

2.4. 1900's on a planet in another galaxy.

3. Plot

3.1. Mr. Murry is the one missing.

3.2. Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin finally make it to the planet, and Mr. Murry is there. Things end up not going well.

3.3. Charles Wallace goes to IT's side intentionally, thinking he would escape the whereabouts's of his dad.

3.4. Meg finally finds her father.

3.5. When she finds her dad, her problems are still not fixed.

3.6. The Murry's and Calvin return back to Earth, after Meg rescues Charles. They have the longest group hug once they get there.

4. Themes, Allusions & Symbols

4.1. One theme of this book is not to be so chosey on what side you're on. There is always a good side and a bad side. You can't go back and forth because some may trust you.

4.2. A symbol in this book is a red eye, because IT had red eyes, and a read eye symbols cruelty. Through the book there was a lot of evil.

4.3. A allusion in this book is when Meg and Calvin were walking in Meg's garden and they are eating apples. This goes back to Adam and Eve.

5. Vocabulary

5.1. Section 1

5.1.1. Foibles. "The most memorable books from our childhoods are those that make us feel less alone, convince us that our own foibles and quirks are both as individual as a finger-print and as universal as an open hand." In section one foibles means problems.

5.1.2. Transcend. "As they transcend time, space, and the limitations of their own minds, they get help from individuals of great goodness: Mrs Whatsit, Mrs Which, Mrs Who, the Happy Medium, and Aunt Beast. Transcend means to not be confined by it.

5.2. Section 2

5.2.1. Extinguished. "Did a shadow fall across the moon, or did the moon simply go out, extinguished as abruptly and completely as a candle." Extinguished means to put out the light that the moon had given them.

5.2.2. Corporeal. "The corporeal Meg simply was not." Corporeal means Meg is not very physical , she is emotional.

5.3. Section 3

5.3.1. Nondescript. "The men all wore nondescript business suits, and though their features were as different one from the other as the features of men on Earth, there was also sameness to them." Nondescript is describing that the men's suits were boring and did not stand out.

5.3.2. Preliminary. "You have passed your preliminary tests with flying colors." Preliminary means the tests that comes first.

5.4. Section 4

5.4.1. Disintegration. "And we had no idea whether it would really work or whether it would be complete bodily disintegration. Disintegration means for something to decay.

5.4.2. Daresay. "There were half a dozen of us working on it and I daresay a number of others we don't know about." This means to say something.

6. Characters

6.1. Meg is the protagonist because at first she is shy and quirky but later on she becomes more shy and brave.

6.2. Charles is the sidekick, because at first he is on Meg's side and is against IT, but later he begins to act like IT. He becomes more on IT's side

6.3. IT is the antagonist because he stays the same the whole time, which is evil.

7. Summary

7.1. In chapter 1 of A Wrinkle in Time, Meg battled some tough things. She was scared out of attic bedroom, worried about the theif that could be close. She eventually went down stairs. In shock, Charles Wallace was already down there. He made her and Meg's mom some food. They all had a conversation about what had happened in the earlier days.

7.2. Eventually, Meg finds herself waking up exhausted,and has to go to school. Once she's at school she can't remember anything. Meg storms out of the room, and later is called down to talk to the principal. Later, finding herself at home, her and Charles Wallace go for a walk in the woods. They talk about life. While walking through the woods, Charles and Meg run into Calvin, a guy from Meg's school. Charles invites Calvin to dinner with the family.

7.3. Calvin, Meg, and Charles happily walked back to the Murray's home cheerfully. The children were happy to be making friends. Meanwhile, Calvin had to call his mother and let her know he wouldn't be coming home for dinner. His mother agreed with him that that would be alright as long as he didn't stay to long. Later through the night, after they had finished eating dinner Charles and Meg went on a walk. They grew to like each other. Charles asked Meg about her dad, and asked where he was at. However, Meg broke down in tears. Charles commented on how pretty her eyes were. Soon Charles was at home. Meg decided she would gang up the courage to ask her mother about her father.

7.4. Meg gets a weird feeling in this part four, she feels alone. While she sees Charles, and later Calvin, they can't see Meg. All of the sudden she feels like someone is shoving against her, and that when she finds herself in a field. It looks like spring. However it is Autumn back home. Later, the adults explain that they are on a different planet. Calvin doesn't believe that they are on a different planet. Soon the children are asking why. The adults response is it has something to do with Meg's father. Mrs. Whatsit changes into a creature. The kids get on her back, and they go and pick flowers. Soon they know the reason for the flowers is because the creature is taking them so high in the sky, when air is scarce. They see three black shadows beneath the sky.