Bacteria and Virus

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Bacteria and Virus by Mind Map: Bacteria and Virus

1. Input Devices

1.1. Any devices that allows the user to input data and commands(Lever-Mc Duffy& Mcdonald,2015).

1.1.1. Examples: Keyboards, touch screen, voice recognition, Smart Board and gestures Touch Screen are a great and create an element of interaction in the classroom Touch Screen are very fragile and once cracked or broken it is normally impossible to use the device. It is also costly to replace in some cases it is cheaper to replace the device.

2. Output Devices

2.1. includes all hardware components that move information out of the computer to make it accessible to you( Lever& McDuffy& McDonald,2015).

2.1.1. Examples: Monitors, printers. and displays Printers are useful especially in the classroom for last minute printing needs.

3. Hardware

3.1. components that take in data

3.2. Examples: Storage, CD-ROM, USB, and applications

3.2.1. The benefits of having storage capabilities on our devices is that we don't have to keep up with numerous disk, drive and etc. A cloud is a type of hardware that makes all documents, pictures, presentation safe and accessible online. The Cloud

4. Software

4.1. the computer instructions written in computer language that correspondes to the computer

4.1.1. Examples: Electronics device applications, Windows is a piece of software that I have to have in order to operate my computer. Microsoft Suite is essential it is user friendly

5. Bateria

5.1. Germs

6. References