What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11?

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What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11? by Mind Map: What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11?

1. Chapter 8

1.1. What is the title?

1.2. I Spare Miss Watson's Jim

1.3. What is the central line?

1.4. "Honest injun, I will. People would call me a low-down Abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum--- but that don't make no difference. i ain't a-going to tell, and I ain't a-going back there anyways."

1.5. What is the point?

1.6. There is a friendship formed in this chapter, starting off when they first met. They got to know one another and help each other other. With Huck being "dead", and Jim running off, they need to help each other.

2. Chapter 9

2.1. What is the title?

2.2. The House Of Death Floats By

2.3. What is the central line?

2.4. So I hollered again, and then Jim says: "De man ain't asleep--he's dead. You hold still--I'll go en see."

2.5. What's the point?

2.6. The boys stumble upon a houseboat in hopes of getting some supplies for themselves, only to find a dead man in there. They took the stuff they could, though.

3. Chapter 10

3.1. What is the title?

3.2. What comes of handlin' snake-skin

3.3. What is the central line?

3.4. "Now you think it's bad luck; but what did you say when I fetched in the snake-skin that I found on the top of ridge day before yesterday?" -Huck

3.5. What is the point?

3.6. The point in this chapter is 'luck', whether it's good or bad luck. Jim and Huck have a conversation about what is bad luck and what isn't. When the dead man was brought up, Jim dismissed it because it was bound to bring bad luck. But Huck said that Jim said it was bad luck to touch dead snake-skin.

4. Chapter 11

4.1. What is the title?

4.2. They're After Us!

4.3. What is the central line?

4.4. Git up and hump yourself, Jim! There ain't a minute to lose. They're after us!"

4.5. What is the point?

4.6. Huck had pretended to be a girl by the name of Sarah and talked with a woman in town, lying to her about who he was and where he lived. She had ended up finding out that he was a boy, and said he was a runaway apprentice.